I had been standing in the cold for a long time waiting for a small group of young people who - coming from a secondary school - had decided to take part in the module ‘Decide to be happy!’. Of the announced 10 young people, 4 turned up with their teacher. The motto of the day immediately came to mind: ‘Do what's right now to do!' I greeted everyone warmly and we were soon in a lively relationship. The two girls and two boys had built up trust and were committed to joining in. When I looked at the evaluation forms late in the afternoon, I couldn't believe my eyes. They had answered almost all the questions with a ‘very good’. And then I read: ‘Thank you for taking the time to show us what we are worth and how we can understand and take control of our lives. I really enjoyed it and you do it very well. You have given me a lot of motivation to work on myself.’ And another student wrote: ‘Thank you for the day today and for the motivation you have given me. Thank you!’