I had given a Christmas tree to several Ukrainian refugee families. In prayer that evening, a young refugee couple from Afghanistan came to my heart, whom I have known for several years and whom I had helped a lot when they arrived in Germany. Via WhatsApp I asked if they could use a Christmas tree. Their reply: "We would be very happy about it!" So I got another tree and a holder and drove to them. They asked me to stay a little longer - for tea. They couldn't have financed a Christmas tree. But the children had kept asking if they could get one too. Now there was a tree in their small flat. The children played in the room and we sat and had a deep exchange. In the end, the young mother, who had arrived in Germany as a 16-year-old, made me understand: "I had lost God. I was totally in the dark after the difficult experiences of the flight! I was very afraid. You just kept coming and were there for us. I was deeply touched by your love, which was so real and honest. You made me understand what truth is. You were the only one besides my husband who was allowed to embrace me. In your tender embrace, I found God anew!" When I heard that, it hit me in the heart. Tears came to me, tears came to both of them. God was at work. In the next few days I will bring this family an illuminated star, because in the light of love we have met the one for whom the star appeared over Bethlehem.