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"Please do your part!"

"My sister urgently needs her own flat for herself and her child!" I had picked up in a conversation. Her marriage was on the edge. There was not much money. I felt the deep need and helplessness of these young people who were having a hard time with life. The impulse came to me, "Add a third to the cost of rent!" Listening to my inner voice, the certainty grew that I should do it. Tears welled up in the eyes of my companion. As we parted, I prayed to Jesus, "I give all I can in strength, energy and love! Please do your part and give what is needed!" - In the evening I had to give a talk to a small group about all the activities of go4peace. I told about the Gospel, which is the source of what we do every day. "I am so deeply impressed by what you do for the young generation of our time and how you open spaces for them!" I heard an elderly participant say after the presentation. Almost shyly, she put a larger amount of money in my pocket. In addition, another listener put a bag on a table. When I went home in the evening, a large part of the money needed for the rental costs had been collected. The following day, I was allowed to preside over a very moving funeral. At the end of the funeral, one of the participants, deeply moved by the event of saying goodbye, gave me exactly the amount that was still missing.