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Live completely now!

In uncertain weather conditions, I set off on a long trip to meet a group of young people. They had asked for information about an Voluntary Service Year in Bosnia-Herzegovina. Alongside this project in south-east Europe, countries such as Brazil, South Africa, Madagascar, Peru and Namibia sounded far more attractive. Only two young people had shown interest in a year in the Balkans. I felt disappointment in my soul. The motto of the month immediately came to mind: "Trust life!" I briefly presented the project to the whole group and then it was off to the small groups. When the time slot for the two interested people was over, there was a knock. A young student came in. "That was so exciting, what you just told us." An honest and lively half-hour conversation then developed. And again there was another knock and I was given the gift of an equally precious exchange! When I said goodbye in the evening, one of the students came up to me again: "Thank you for coming along. It was a great enrichment for me!"