The day had been long and busy. Just before midnight, I had to pick someone up from the airport. That meant a one-hour journey to the airport and an equally long journey back. In the morning at the church service, I couldn't believe my eyes. The mother who had been deported with her child at night was sitting in the church. Afterwards I found out that they had returned from the neighbouring country. Now they were on their way to the refugee registration centre so that their case could be reopened. It was not clear whether this would be successful. I had time to pray on my journey. I entrusted the destinies of these two people to God's heart. That was all I could do at the moment. The next morning I received the message: ‘It's a miracle, especially in the current political climate! The case of the two of them will be thoroughly re-examined. They will be allowed to return to our town and the little girl will be able to continue learning with her friends and her loving teacher, in safety and warmth. Jesus has protected them. There is hope! Thank you for your support and prayers!’