In the supermarket I had noticed a very weighty man who could only move slowly with his shopping trolley. Several times he had blocked my way for several moments. Each time I gave him a good word of encouragement. When I arrived at the cash register, he slowly crept up from a side corridor. I offered him to go ahead of me in the line. With wide eyes, he looked at me and joined the line. A supermarket employee had noticed this and said to me, "Come quickly to the next cash register. I'll cash up there!" Astonished, I followed him. Immediately after me, he closed the cash register again. A young couple I knew had followed the process. When we met outside, the woman said, "The cashier opened his cash register just for you! Madness! How do you always do that?" Smiling, I told them, "Love makes doors pop open!" Laughing, we parted.