We had given countless people a peace pen in front of our Tiny House at the Libori festival in Paderborn. My attention was drawn to a young girl sitting on a stone staircase eating fries. With a smile on my face, I went up to her, held out a peace pen and said: "Eating fries always brings the best thoughts of peace. And here's a pen you can use to write all these thoughts on the napkin." Smiling, she took the pen. A few minutes later she came to me and handed me her napkin, smiling, on which she had written: "Peace means, for example, that I can eat fries and that there is enough food. That I can eat my fries without fear and don't have to worry about my physical or mental well-being. That I know I have a safe home where I can make my own fries without any trouble. Nevertheless, peace is more than fries. Peace is the most important thing and I am grateful that I can experience this peace!"