I celebrated Christmas Eve in a small group of eight people, one of whom was from Nazareth. We were a very colourful family. During the preparations, I asked myself how we could find a deeper dialogue with each other that evening. With a few texts in mind, I started the evening full of expectation. Our conversation took its course. The friend from Nazareth shared... Later we talked about a friend who had died a few weeks ago. That gave me the impetus to talk about how he had lived his life with God. And then I remembered the letter of i friend in which he wrote about God's longing for us humans. I picked it up and read it aloud. Among other things, it said: "May we rediscover in these days: It's about us. It's about me. I am infinitely loved, because God longs for me!" Everyone followed inwardly, allowing these words, and somehow God, to touch them. A friend got in touch again the following day and simply said: "God is longing for me! - I am deeply touched!"