There had been a change of translator in our network team. I wanted to give the young woman, who had served us for a long time, a small gift as a sign of my gratitude. So I drove to the post office to get it done promptly. For this day, I had decided to make every moment precious. A homeless man offered me his new magazine of the street. I stayed with him before going to the post office. When I posted the parcel, I met a Pakistani family I had known for some time. The father shared a part of his difficulties with me. Suddenly, one of his little sons, maybe three years old, came forward. He was all sad because Jesus had died on the cross. I leaned towards him and tried to make it very clear to him that God had brought Jesus back to life and that he had risen from the dead. Suddenly the little boy beamed at me. From the bottom of his heart he told me: "Thanks! I love Jesus!"