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Everything is good!

"Last night, three Russian missiles hit my home village!" I heard at breakfast and I looked into the eyes of a young Ukrainian. I felt my own helplessness in the face of these waves of Russian destruction. How could the flame of hope for peace be nourished that day, I asked myself. I decided to visit the youth centre with our Ukrainian guest, where the go4peace peace network had started 27 years ago with the departure to war-torn Bosnia and Herzegovina. We were warmly welcomed there over coffee. In the double cloister of the old monastery, I spoke about the symbol of the grape bearers in one of the capitals. Two wanderers are shown there, carrying an oversized grapevine between them. The story told in the Book of Numbers had young people setting out into an open future with the triad: "Have courage! Go! Bring fruit!"  I felt exactly this courage in the heart of this young Ukrainian. We went to the church of this monastery and spent a few moments in prayer. A warm light fell through a skylight from above on the tabernacle stele, which stood in the midst of golden sticks. The hidden God was suddenly felt in this presence. "Somehow in those moments in prayer - despite the war - I felt: everything is good - from the very inside came this message!" These words fell deep into my heart. Then we continued our journey.