During my holidays, I had gone to the top of the Great St Bernard Pass and prayed for the young people of Europe in the hospice church, as I had done in previous years. I had offered many individual faces to Jesus. Then I had climbed to an altitude of about 3000 metres to one of my favourite places in Europe. There I was sitting in an exposed place, reading in a book - a chimney below me. Suddenly I heard voices. A middle-aged couple came climbing up through the chimney. I hardly thought that was possible. I quickly made space for them to arrive safely. "Great that you made it there. I admire your fitness, courage and determination!" They felt very loved and we got into a longer conversation. Then they sat down in another place and ate their sandwiches. As I moved on, the woman came to me again and said, "We couldn't have had a nicer welcome up here than through you! Thank you for your open heart and your kindness!"