From Thursday, 28.03.2024, 20h CET to Friday, 29.03.2024, 20h CET, we invite you to keep watch and to live for 30 minutes for peace in two places in Europe. One young person will set this sign of togetherness in Ukraine and another in another European country at the same time. This will create a network of solidarity across Europe.
Add your Email-address so that a peace photo can be exchanged at the beginning of your time for peace. Send this photo to Meinolf Wacker's E-mail: Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein. We will put the photos later on the homepage If you like, you can also exchange your mobile phone numbers and use them to contact each other.
Find a peace motif (candle, flower, outstretched hand, divided bread, dove...) and take a photo of it with your mobile-phone.
Be present at your chosen half hour.
In the first minute of your time of peace, send the photo via email to your partner in the other country and to the email-address of Meinolf. You will find the email-address of your partner in the google list. If you have exchanged your phone numbers, you can also send the photo via WhatsApp.
During the 30 minutes you can simply be silent, or look at a picture, or pray for peace, or quietly speak the names of the people who are close to your heart and bring them before God. Or, if you like, contact each other via WhatsApp or Zoom etc. and get to know each other a little during this time.
If you like, at the end of the time you can say the prayer for peace by Francis of Assisi, which you can find on the homepage
At the end of your time for peace, send a word of thanks (e.g. Thanks for the shared time for peace) to your partner. If you have previously exchanged your WhatsApp numbers, you can also do this via your mobile phone.